PayPal Shopping Cart

We have made every attempt to make purchasing from this website easy for you. Our goal is for you to receive value for your payment, as well as an easy and trouble-free shopping experience.

PayPal Shopping Cart

We have featured the PayPal shopping cart for more than a dozen years now. PayPal continues to have a strong reputation. We have tested the cart and found it to be a seamless and efficient purchasing experience.

How it Works

Whenever you see an item you like, simply click on the button for that item. A box with come up showing your item in the cart, as well as any other items you have placed there. Remember, you can ADD, REMOVE and CHANGE items as many times as you want.

When your cart is like you want it, and you are ready to check out, just follow the instructions. It’s really easy, and PayPal will send you an email receipt of your purchase. We receive the same email, and will process your order from it.

All Credit Cards Accepted

You do NOT need a PayPal account to purchase from this site with a credit card. We elected to make a PayPal account optional, but not necessary. You can complete your purchase with any major credit card or an eCheck. Do be aware that eChecks take three to four days to clear.

Free Shipping and Handling

Standard shipping and handling are FREE on all retail purchases. Orders will be assessed a sales tax of 8.25%.

Remember, if you have ANY questions, email us at or call us at 210-273-7454.

We Look Forward to Serving You