“Just Mesquite” Pen


$39.00 (with FREE shipping)

“Just Mesquite” Pen

The “Just Mesquite” pen was developed initially as a special request, then it just took off. Rich mesquite (Prosopis) appointed in gold has a simple elegance all its own. Characteristic of this beautiful hardwood is the fact that, as it ages, it only gets richer in color. Here’s a real keepsake.

This pen, like the other “Taking Texas with Me” pens, uses the standard Cross(R)-type refill. It comes with a black, drawstring gift pouch and a gift card, if you wish.

Hey, what better way to carry a piece of the Lone Star State with you in your pocket or purse? One or more of this pen can be ordered using the “Add to Cart” button above.

Add a Presentation Box

Here’s a photo of this pen in our Cherry Pen Box. To learn more about presentation boxes, click on the Boxes/Stands tab at the top.

The “Just Mesquite” Pen in our Rosewood-style Pen Box

Certificate of Authenticity

This pen comes with a Certificate of Authenticity verifying its “roots.”

Certificate of Authenticity